Monday, 30 September 2013

How To Make Money At Home By Using Your Computer By Adam S Harding

Looking how to make money at home on your computer? Then you have come to the right place! In this article I will go over a number of ideas for how to make money at home with your computer and an internet connection.
These ideas have come from my own personal experience of working as both a freelance writer and now being a full-time online entrepreneur.
1. Work At Home Jobs - One of the most basic ways for how to make money at home on your computer is with a work from home job. It is where you carry out tasks for others kind of like in a traditional job, but from home.
You can either look for full-time work from home jobs or work as a freelancer for one off tasks every now and then.
Places worth checking out for this type of work includes Elance and ODesk. One tasks that is particularly in demand is freelance writing. Websites are also looking for more content so if you can write in good basic English then that is an option worth considering.
2. Selling Services on Fiverr - Whilst on the topic of freelancing, a good place to find customers that you can carry out custom services for is on This is a marketplace where sellers can offer their products and services for just $5 a pop.
So if you can do a simple tasks such as writing, data entry, editing, transcription, graphic design etc you can get paid $5 for carrying out a small task in this area. The key with making money at home on Fiverr is getting creative and doing tasks that literally take you a matter of minutes to complete but that there is a high demand in that service.
3. Affiliate Marketing - The previous two ways for how to make money at home with your computer were focused on exchanging your time for money by carrying out simple tasks for clients.
But you can only take on so many clients per day and you need to give up lots of your time in order to earn money that way.
However, with affiliate marketing you can build up a monthly residual income by selling products online. You do not even need to sell your own products, and instead can simply promote the services of other people and get paid a commission when sales are made.
Affiliate marketing provides an excellent work life balance when it works. After your marketing and automated traffic sources are in place then you can get to the stage of making money whether you work on a particular day or not!

Sunday, 29 September 2013

6 Easy and Effective YouTube Video Marketing Tips By Irwin Myers Co-Author: Shooka Rafizadeh

If you want your videos to be seen, you have to take the appropriate steps towards improving your SEO (search engine optimization). The following are easy and effective tips that will help you optimize your videos using YouTube:
1. Upload lots of videos but don't notify subscribers every time. It sounds silly to upload a video onto YouTube then disallow subscribers from getting notified, but keep in mind that constant and frequent uploads may be good for SEO but not necessarily for subscribers. If your subscribers receive too frequent of notification emails they may all end up in their spam folder or the subscriber might get annoyed with the overflow of emails and simply unsubscribe. Avoid "annoying" your subscribers by picking and choosing which ones to send out notifications for. When you're uploading a video, first make it Private instead of Public. Then when it's uploaded go to Advanced Settings and uncheck Notify Subscribers. Lastly change the video to Public and promote on social media. This way you'll reach viewers and keep your subscribers.
2. Include a call-to-action in your video. It may seem straight forward, but directing your viewers towards taking an action after watching your videos is incredibly important. At the end of your videos make sure to let viewers know what action you want them to take, such as "Visit our website", "Like our Facebook page", or something more interactive like "Tweet us a question". If it involves small effort on their end but leaves big impact on your end, everyone wins!
3. Make interactive videos. Interactive videos have a substantial audience, making up for over 10% of video views a month. So attract more viewers and improve your SEO by using video to respond to comments and Tweets, make a video FAQ, or raise questions and allow your viewers to answer them in the comments below. This is also a smart way to encourage sharing of your videos which obviously also helps better your SEO.
4. Pay attention to how much of your video is being watched. It's true that the number of views is important on YouTube, but something to keep in mind is that YouTube's ranking algorithm (aka what helps move your video to the top) also considers how much of each video is being watched. Use YouTube Analytics to figure out where in your video viewers stop watching and possible reasons why. Test your theories out with future videos and work your way towards longer viewership and ultimately, improved SEO.
5. Keep them watching. Studies show that the top 240 YouTube channels with the most subscribers have an average video length of four minutes and nineteen seconds. So no matter the content of your video-promotional, educational, informational, entertaining-keep them short buy cutting to the chase and your viewers will keep watching. Another tip is to create a playlist of related videos so that after watching one short but useful video, your viewers will want to watch more, giving you better SEO.
6. Consult a professional. You may be taking all these steps and more, and still not get the results you're looking for. Sometimes it's hard to figure out the right video marketing strategy if you're not experienced. That's where video production and marketing professionals, such as us, come into play. If you're wondering how to get more viewers, keep them watching, and continue to create great content, contact Video One Productions for assistance. We help people achieve desired results every day.

Friday, 27 September 2013

Video As an Engaging Content Marketing Tool By Simone Dela Vega

If you are an Internet marketer, blogger, webmaster, and online retailer, you must be turning the Web inside out looking for a strategy to keep your website visitors a few seconds longer on your page. There are a million and one advises or suggestions you can try, but you can save yourself from much trouble by grabbing what seems to be a current trend: video content marketing strategy.
What is video content marketing?
Video content marketing makes use of the video as the heart of the content marketing strategy with the social media being used to support and promote the video content. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube and embedding videos in blog posts offer the most engaging way to share video message to the target audience.
A message that informs, entertains or is useful can foster maximized engagement, spread and conversion by using the content as the message. This can best be achieved by seamlessly integrating the message with the look, feel and flavor of the video. You know you have done well when your message is talked about in forums, discussion boards, and even mainstream media channels.
The use of videos may not really be a new idea. What is novel is the recognition that it can be a very effective vehicle of information and a powerful strategy that prompts immediate action. You have heard about YouTube ranking as the second largest search engine in the Internet and passing the 1 billion monthly users mark. This is equivalent to over 4 billion hours of video viewing each month. With these explosive statistics, it is not surprising to see how it is gaining strength as a source of content marketing.
Will online video be just another over hyped and soon-will-fade craze?
Based on current researches and surveys, it seems unlikely. For instance, consider the data from B2B Demand Generation Benchmark Survey for 2012 entitled Percentage of Marketers Using Each Content or Offer (survey compiled by Eloqua, and Software Advice).
What makes video a crown jewel of content marketing?
Video communication is an effective strategy of reaching target market as it pools the pluses of "classic" TV advertising and the Internet's interactivity. Powerful and compelling videos can more likely motivate viewers to buy on impulse than those who merely read text ads. In a way, it seems like it is irresistible having a "biological" or "human" factor about it. This may be attributed to the fact that videos can simultaneously affect several senses. If you want to understand the science behind web trending towards video, the explanation of Susan Weinschenk, Ph.D. in Forbes' article Why Online Video Is Vital For Your 2013 Content Marketing Objectives says it all.
According to Dr. Weinschek, there are four major reasons why people are drawn to videos: the fusiform facial area or the face easily catches and holds attention; the voice can effectively convey rich information and meaningful content; the emotions and the body language are pleasing to watch and infectious; and movements grab attention due to the human's innate power of peripheral motion. For online marketers looking for a way to engage their visitors, the question is: How must you leverage this 100% human connection to video? The answer lies in what innovative option you will use to make a simple, but impactful video.
If video is not a passing fancy among content creators, then how will it affect future content marketing?
In Kissmetrics' article The Future of Content Marketing Revealed, some ways to get ahead of competing pack are emphasized. There are three major points made; the content becoming big (long blog posts, giving away of free eBooks, and offering multiple lead magnets) and two stressed the importance of visual content such as use of infographics and videos.
In ReelSEO's 2012 Online Video Marketing Survey Report, 81% of the respondents/online marketers said they used online video in their marketing efforts. Over two thirds of them (67%) use these videos to social networking sites, and about half (52%) used video in email marketing.
Moreover, approximately 64% of these marketers indicated they intend to spend more money in the coming years intended for technologies, platforms and services allied to the use of video for business marketing programs.
There are of course other statistics that may say otherwise, but for now it seems that content marketing is going beyond text.
Where is video content now?
"Video gives us the opportunity to wow our customers and this in turn delivers results. We have tested and proven that when someone watches our video reviews they're 120.5% more likely to buy, spend 157.2% longer on the site and spend 9.1% more per order... " (Matt Lawson, Head of Conversion at Appliances Online).
With all these stats, YouTube's sensational rise to fame and the cheap video technologies, how can you not use it as a marketing tool? Many think that video is still an underused marketing tool at the moment, but not so in the coming days. Those into it are starting to enjoy improved SEO rankings, site engagement and customer conversion. Maybe you just found a way for your visitors to stay little bit longer on your site.
The essence of internet marketing lies in a variety of strategies today. Apart from video and social media marketing, you can also count on quality articles to convey your message across all borders. For professional writing services, visit ABTIK Writers page for details.

Video Marketing: You Can't Afford Not To Do It Anymore By Andre Somov

Video marketing has been confirmed to be one of the most useful tools in being able to successfully achieve the presence your products or services need in order to be clearly recognizable; it's simply consistency in branding.
Video marketing speaks to an individual the way no other form of advertising can. It is able to create the apparent desire and need in the individual for something they actually may not even know about.
Scientific research has shown a meaningful increase in value of a product or service when it is visually exposed to the target audience. This is instantly taken to a whole other level, which ultimately creates the perception of more value on the products for the viewers.
Video marketing is increasing growing as a popular tool to reach out to a larger target audience. People seek out these types of information marketing to help them find answers to their questions, or show them how to do something.
The use of video for Internet Marketing as well as offline businesses presents the most powerful way of reaching the target audience. More and more viewers browsing Internet are making purchasing decision based on the video marketing tool they have come in contact with. So it could be said that video marketing online is no longer an option but a very real and vital necessity.
Video sharing has become so important, that YouTube is now the second most used search engine after Google - it averages 4 billion hits each day. Just think how often have you gone to search on YouTube. Or even when searching in Google, the first choices are YouTube videos. After the Google Panda update, websites with lots of video content were assigned higher positions by Google.
According to comScore, which measures online engagement and use, stated that 45.4% of Internet users view at least one video online over the course of a month. They also found that the average user is exposed to an average of 32.2 videos each month. There are over a 100 million Internet users who view online videos each day. Yes, many of those are watching the latest viral video, but many of them are looking for advice on how to do something, for a specific product or service.
75% of surveyed executives told Forbes that they watch work-related videos on business websites at least once a week. On average, a person spends 50 seconds browsing a page online, but add a video and the time jumps to reported 360 seconds.
Thanks to available technology to create and edit videos, anyone can do and should be using it to enhance their marketing. And even though the video quality you post online is very important and shouldn't be overlooked, it's even more important to simply "do".

Thursday, 26 September 2013

How To Build A Content Marketing Strategy And Plan By Phil D Smith

Without a solid content marketing strategy and plan any inbound or content marketing process is destined to fail, wasting a significant amount of time and money. This article suggests some important steps to take to build a robust strategy and plan.
The steps to take to build a sound content marketing strategy and plan are, in principle, no different to the long established standard marketing planning process. The main steps are
• Establish the required outcome 
• Analysis 
• Review and build scenarios 
• Select a scenario and define objectives 
• Build strategies to achieve those objectives 
• Break down those strategies into elements and build a plan
Establish The Required Outcome 
This required outcome must come from senior management. What does the business wish to achieve, where is it headed, what are the key numbers, what are the timescales, what resources are available. From this overall mission it is important to define the role of inbound marketing and content marketing as a major element. What define success (or otherwise) and what are the numbers?
Without defining precisely where the business is now, how it got there, its customer base, why they buy and what segments they fall into, products and services, organisation and capability then it is not possible to define a way forward. Analysis is the foundation upon which any successful content marketing plan is built.
With a solid grasp of where the business is now and a definition of where it needs to get to it is possible to conceive several potential routes to get from A to B. Each route needs to be thought through in detail before deciding on a way forward and how inbound marketing can contribute to achieving that goal.
Marketing Objectives
With a route in place it should then be possible to set a number of short to medium term objectives (way markers along the route) with timescales and measures to ensure the objectives are delivered.
Strategy and Plan
Strategies can then be designed to achieve each objective and these may be broken down into individual elements to be built into a plan that specifically defines what is to be delivered, by whom and when.
The content marketing strategy and plan therefore delivers focus, timescales and required outcomes. Without a plan it is all too easy to drift, deliver content that is not appropriate to the task, on an ad hoc basis and fail as a result.
Find out more about building a content marketing strategy that will deliver consistent results at

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